Sandtrooper, sw0199 Fashion

Year released:Â 2007
Appears in set 7659-1, Imperial Landing Craft
Sandtroopers were stormtroopers equipped to operate on desert worlds. Their armor was augmented with cooling fans and a helmet sand filter. In addition, they wore a survival backpack stocked with extra rations and water. A detachment of sandtroopers were dispatched to the surface of the planet Tatooine, where they searched for the missing Death Star plans. During the search, some troopers utilized the native dewbacks as mounts. Another type of sandtrooper was the Heavy Sandtrooper. Sandtroopers utilized weapons such as the E-11 blaster rifle, the T-21 light repeating blaster, and the DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle. Sandtroopers later participated in the Battle of Jakku.
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